Obstetrics/gynaecology (O&G) is the field of medicine which covers the two individual subspecialties of obstetrics and gynaecology. The subspecialty of obstetrics refers to the treatment and care of women during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period. Whereas, gynaecology refers to the care and treatment of medical conditions affecting a woman’s reproductive system which includes the vagina, uterus, ovaries and breasts.
At Pantai Hospital Ampang, our obstetricians are trained in maternal-foetal medicine, family planning as well as infertility and reproductive medicine. These specialists are capable of handling both normal deliveries and pregnancy-related complications such as fetomaternal haemorrhaging. Fetomaternal haemorrhage refers to the occurrence of foetal blood which enters the maternal circulation any time before or during delivery.
Our highly experienced gynaecologists are capable of handling complex urogynecologic conditions which include:
We are accredited by the Malaysian Society for Quality in Health (MSQH) for service quality excellence, which cements our position as the preferred health service providers for O&G care across the country. Our treatment facility is equipped to provide several different baby delivery modalities such as normal deliveries, lower segment Caesarean section and forceps and vacuum deliveries. Other services include treating pregnancy complications such as endometriosis, placenta praevia, uterine inversion, shoulder dystocia, postpartum haemorrhage and recurrent miscarriages.
Apart from that, our facility also provides several different diagnostic and treatment modalities to treat both gynaecological and urogynecological conditions such as:
These diagnostic and treatment modalities include:
We offer a highly affordable package for pregnant women who intend to carry out their deliveries at our hospital. This package costs RM3,788.00 for a single bed and 3 days, 2 nights admission as well as:
This package is valid within and outside office hours as well as public holidays and is contingent upon adherence to terms and conditions which include:
This package also comes with certain exclusions which include:
For enquiries please call 03-4289 2828 or WhatsApp us at 016-398 2828.