Find information on admission, discharge, what to bring for admission registration, visiting hours and follow-up advice.


  • The admission counter is located at the hospital lobby on the ground floor
  • Front office operating hours:
    • Monday to Friday: 7am – 6pm
    • Weekend: 7am – 1.30pm
  • Accident & Emergency Department operating hours:
    • 24 hours


  • If your doctor has informed that you need blood on standby for your surgery, you must check into the hospital one day before surgery

For day surgery, please arrive at least 2 hours before your scheduled procedure time

  • Day surgery centre opens:
    • Monday to Friday: 8.30am – 5pm
    • Saturday: 8.30am – 1.30pm
    • Sunday and public holidays: Available On Call
  • If laboratory tests or investigative procedures are required, they are usually carried out after you have registered for admission


  • Identity card/ passport/ birth certificate
  • Please note that spouse/ parent/ next-of-kin identity card may be needed
  • Hospital admission assessment form
  • Consent form (for operation or procedure)
  • Financial counselling form on charges by doctor
  • Doctor’s referral letter
  • Medical benefits card or letter of guarantee from your insurance provider/ employer (only applicable for companies with credit arrangements with the hospital)
  • List of all medications the patient is presently taking and the dosage (for day surgery cases)
  • Personal toiletries

Birth Registration

  • All births have to be registered at the National Registration Department of Malaysia (Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara)
  • Upon registration, a birth certificate will be issued for the newborn child. Normal registration of birth refers to registration made within 14 days of the birth of a child in Malaysia
  • Bring:
    • Notification of live birth
    • Identity cards of parents
    • Marriage certificate of parents
    • Duly completed JPN.LM01 form
  • Additional documents required for foreigners:
    • Passports of parents
    • Malaysian identity card of parents (if applicable)
  • Additional documents required for registration by proxy:
    • A letter of authorisation from the parents of the newborn, signed by both parents
    • Identity card/ passport of proxy
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