COVID-19 vaccine helps our bodies develop immunity against COVID-19 virus by stimulating our immune system to fight SARSCoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) whenever we are exposed to it.
Various platforms such as RNA genetic sequencing, viral vectors, deactivating viruses and protein sub-units have been used to provide safe and effective coronavirus vaccines. It gives you the best protection against COVID-19.
The COVID-19 vaccine is regulated and complies with the following Acts:
Studies have shown that getting vaccinated against COVID-19 can lower your risk of getting and spreading the virus that causes COVID-19. Vaccines also help reduce the risk of severe illnesses and deaths from COVID-19 infections among people who are fully vaccinated.
Getting sick with COVID-19 can cause serious health consequences, even in children. Currently, there are no reliable ways to predict who will have mild or severe illness or who may have long-term health issues after COVID-19 infection.
Therefore, do ensure that you and your family are fully vaccinated. Take your booster doses when you are eligible and consider enrolling your children for vaccination once it is available to them.
At the moment, frontrunners in the coronavirus vaccine race include Moderna, Pfizer BioNTech, Sinovac Biotech and Oxford AstraZeneca.
The vaccines protect against symptomatic forms of COVID-19, but it is still unclear whether they will stop the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the cause of COVID-19. Therefore, you should still continue to take appropriate precautions in protecting yourself and others around you even after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.
Types of vaccines | mRNA | Viral vector | Inactivated virus |
| mRNA sequence which enters the individual cell to produce the specific virus protein | Contains modified (vector) virus to transport the antigen genetic code. The human cell will produce the targeted protein | A virus that has been killed using high heat, chemical, or radiation |
| Uses the mRNA molecule to stimulate immunity in order to recognize the targeted virus protein | A safe viral vector is used to deliver the genetic material of the targeted virus and stimulating the human immune response | A virus that has been killed and used to stimulate the human immune response |
| None |
Source of information: AKADEMI SAINS MALAYSIA
Both the Moderna and Pfizer BioNTech’s vaccines use mRNA (messenger RNA) technology and it is interesting to note that the mRNA vaccines have never been approved for use in any disease. It has however received emergency use authorisation from the FDA.
mRNA vaccines work by injecting pieces of the virus’ genetic code into the body to stimulate an immune system reaction which enables the body to defend itself against the coronavirus.
The mRNA in the body breaks down fully within 48 hours. As it doesn’t enter the human nucleus, it does not affect human DNA. Both Moderna and Pfizer’s mRNA vaccines require 2 doses for adequate protection, and the doses are administered between 3 and 4 weeks apart.
Oxford AstraZeneca and Sinovac Biotech’s vaccines employ a modified delivery virus (that usually causes symptoms such as the common cold) to introduce SARS-CoV-2 viral proteins to the immune system, which then mounts a defence against it. The delivery virus is attenuated or modified so the person won’t develop the common cold when administered with this vaccine.
The national COVID-19 immunisation programme by the Malaysian government is an important step to stop the pandemic. Benefits from the immunisation programme include:
Recent announcement by the
Ministry of
Health, Malaysia on 25 May
2021 indicated that only the
vaccine is allowed for
pregnant women between week
14 and 33, or
they should defer
vaccination till after their
delivery. The
AstraZeneca and Sinovac
vaccines are not recommended
at the moment.
As for breastfeeding
mothers, both the Pfizer and
vaccines are suitable for
them. For Sinovac vaccine,
it is currently
not recommended for pregnant
women due to the limited
clinical data.
Breastfeeding mothers who
would like to opt for
Sinovac vaccine are
required to consult their
specialists prior to
Vaccine | Pregnant Mothers | Breastfeeding Mothers |
| Suitable for pregnant mothers between 14 – 33 weeks of pregnancy. For pregnancies above 34 weeks, vaccination can be considered in consultation with your O&G specialist. | Vaccine is suitable for breastfeeding mothers. |
| Suitable for pregnant mothers between 14 – 33 weeks of pregnancy. For pregnancies above 34 weeks, vaccination can be considered in consultation with your O&G specialist. | Vaccine is suitable for breastfeeding mothers. |
| Suitable for pregnant mothers between 14 – 33 weeks of pregnancy. For pregnancies above 34 weeks, vaccination can be considered in consultation with your O&G specialist. | Vaccine is suitable for breastfeeding mothers. |
Source of information: Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia
Government bodies and health
authorities around world are
encouraging eligible members
of the general public to get
vaccinated. This is because
as more people get
vaccinated it reduces
the chances of transmission.
Which means it becomes more
for the virus to spread,
hence making it safer for
the society if
more people get vaccinated.
But, what if you are
pregnant or breastfeeding?
Is it (really) safe
to get vaccinated for
Is it safe to get
vaccinated if you are
There is currently very
little data available to
assess the safety
of COVID -19 vaccines on
pregnant women and
breastfeeding mothers
because of the lack of
clinical testing during the
development of
the COVID-19 vaccine. Having
said that, based on the
safety and
efficacy data of the current
vaccines in the market, the
Health Organization (WHO)
states they do not have any
reason to
believe there will be
specific risks that would
outweigh the
benefits of vaccination for
pregnant women. In fact,
findings of a
few studies did not indicate
any adverse effects on fetal
Additionally, pregnant women
and breastfeeding mothers
have also
taken other vaccines such as
tetanus toxoid, influenza,
and pertussis
for example. However, if you
are still unsure, we highly
that you speak to your
OB-GYN to seek advice and
discuss about your
eligibility for COVID -19
Is it safe to get
vaccinated if you are
While there is currently
very little data to suggest
the safety and
efficacy of the COVID -19
vaccines on pregnant women
breastfeeding mothers, there
are also no known risks of
the COVID-19
vaccine to breastfeeding
This is because the vaccines
currently available in the
market are
non-replicating vaccines.
Non-replicating vaccines can
create an
immune response but do not
reproduce inside host cells
that there is no possible
way by which the vaccine can
pass to your
baby through breast milk.
One of the key considerations to note is that women who are pregnant and part of a group recommended to receive the Covid-19 vaccine, such as healthcare personnel, may choose to be vaccinated after thorough discussions with their doctor.
ReferencesSource: Ministry of Health
Malaysia (Updated February
World Health Organization
(WHO) (Updated February
“Panduan Vaksinasi
Untuk Ibu Mengandung dan Ibu
Kementerian Kesihatan
Accessed from
Can those with
conditions or heart
take the
COVID-19 vaccine?
In short, yes. In fact,
heart patients are highly
encouraged to take
the COVID-19 vaccine as it
can help to protect them
from contracting
the virus. Here’s why.
According to studies, heart
patients have a higher risk
developing health
complications from COVID-19
compared to those
without history of heart
problems. That is why, heart
patients fall
under a group of people who
have been prioritized to get
COVID-19 vaccine alongside
other patients with chronic
diseases such
as diabetes, hypertension,
and high cholesterol etc.
Therefore, if you are an
individual that have heart
conditions, or
if your family member is a
heart patient, you should
take or advice
your family member to get
vaccinated against COVID-19
– by
this action, not only are
you protecting yourself but
you are also
protecting your loved ones
from COVID-19.
However, it is understood
that you may have some
concerns over the
safety of the COVID-19
vaccine, especially since
you or your loved
ones have pre-existing
medical conditions. Would it
worsen the
condition or will the
side-effects be more severe?
Will those with
cardiovascular disease
or heart problems
any side effects?
The current mRNA COVID-19
vaccines available in the
market have been
shown to be safe for use for
heart patients. This is
because people
with pre-existing medical
conditions such as diabetes,
problems, hypertension and
high cholesterols were
included in the
early clinical trials.Which
means that the vaccines have
been tried
and tested by people who
have the same medical
conditions as you and
they were found to benefit
from the vaccine.
When it comes to side
effects, most vaccine can
have side effects.
It is important to note that
both the mRNA vaccines
and Moderna do carry the
risk of some common side
effects such as
pain, redness or swelling in
the shoulder muscle area
where the
injections were
administered, as well as
fatigue, headaches, muscle
pain, chills, fever, and
nausea. These symptoms will
most likely
resolve within one or two
days. If the symptoms
persist, please
consult a healthcare
professional for medical
However, if you history of
allergic reaction to any
(active ingredients or
excipients or any material
used in process)
of the vaccine or similar
vaccines, it is advisable
for you not to
get the vaccine – not
at least until more safety
data become
Should you get
vaccinated if you have
cardiovascular disease
or heart problems?
Yes, you should. As advised
by the Ministry of Health,
everyone who is
medically eligible should
get vaccinated. This is
because as more
people get vaccinated, the
slower the virus would
spread, and as a result, our
community will be safer.
However, if you are still
concerned about the safety
of these
vaccinations, we encouraged
you to seek consultation
with your
doctor. Click here to speak
with our doctors. Our
doctors will be
able to assess your medical
and allergy history to
determine your
eligibility for COVID-19
However, if you still have
concerns, you may well get
advice from
your consultant.
1. “Should heart
patients take the COVID-19
Heart Foundation.
Accessed from
2. “The effects of
virus variants on COVID-19
Health Organization (1 March
Accessed from
3. Merschel, M. “What
heart and stroke patients
should know
COVID-19 vaccines”.
The American Heart
Accessed from
4. “COVID-19
of Health Singapore
Accessed from
None of us ever expected
that our lives would change
when the COVID-19 pandemic
took over the entire world
by storm. We
are now left to embrace the
‘new normal’ of
Something that
still needs getting used to.
Some light did come to show
early this
year when some
pharmaceutical companies
begun rolling out the
much-awaited COVID-19
vaccine. Even so, they are
increasing the
production of these vaccines
as we progress daily.
This is a step in the right
direction as it prepares us
to return to
normal life by achieving
herd immunity – a term
used to
describe a
huge population that is
immune to a virus. Through
herd immunity,
the risk of large-scale
outbreaks – like we
have seen over the
year – is
significantly reduced1.
However, two important
remain – can you still
get infected with COVID-19
after taking
vaccine, and are you
eligible for the vaccine if
you have previously
tested positive for the
virus? Let’s find out
Let us first understand that
the COVID-19 vaccines that
developed have been found to
be effective at preventing a
infection. However, there is
still a minor possibility
that you can
contract COVID-19 despite
being vaccinated. Rest
assured, that it is
a very slim chance and with
vaccination already taking
place at
break speed, the risk of
COVID-19 infections becomes
even lower.
It’s also important to
be aware that the
coronavirus vaccine
not have enough time to
provide complete protection
- not that it is
ineffective against
COVID-19. This is why mRNA
vaccinations need to
be given in two dosages and
require approximately two
weeks to fully
activate our immune system
So even if an individual has
received the vaccination,
cautions in social or
physical distancing as well
as basic hygiene
is crucial.
A person can take the
vaccine until the person has
recovered from
the acute illness (if the
person had symptoms) and
they have met
criteria to discontinue
isolation. Why? Getting
vaccinated can offer
a stronger and more reliable
immune system response to a
past COVID-19
infection as compared to the
natural immunity developed
by the body.
As a matter of fact, those
who have recovered from
COVID-19 were
found to have antibodies
that were up to 10 times
higher than
vaccinated individuals who
did not previously test
positive for
COVID-19. But those with
pre-existing immunity
experienced systemic
side effects such as
fatigue, headache, chills,
fever, and muscle or
joint pains with
considerably higher
frequency This is why those
fall in this category are
also encouraged to sign-up
for vaccination
as soon as possible.
Hopefully, it will. The most important thing is to do your duty as a good citizen by signing up for the vaccination. However, getting vaccinated against COVID-19 should not be considered a substitute for basic precautionary measures. We should always remember to do our part by practicing good hygiene habits like regular handwashing, masking up when outdoors, and adhering to social distancing measures. By doing this, we are one step closer to beating the pandemic once and for all.
1. “Coronavirus
disease (COVID-19):
World Health Organization
(28 October 2020).
Accessed from
2. “Information about
the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19
Centers for
Disease Control and
Prevention (4 March 2021).
Accessed from
3. “Information about
the Moderna COVID-19
Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (4
March 2021).
Accessed from
4. “Key Things to Know
About COVID-19
Vaccines”. Centers
for Disease
Control and Prevention (13
March 2021).
Accessed from
5. Wise, J. “Covid-19:
People who have had
infection might
only need one
dose of mRNA vaccine”.
thebmj (2 February 2021).
Accessed from
Studies have shown that it
is natural for any type of
virus to evolve
into newer variants. It
simply means that viruses
can mutate after
some time. This
doesn’t mean that they
are a new form of a
virus, but rather a
different kind of the same
The best way to describe
this is to think of them as
being part of the same
family. Now, these new
strains may cause some
changes that
are a little different from
how we understand the
original virus to
be. While many would panic
especially when we keep
hearing about the
COVID-19 new variants, it's
best we first understand how
mutation works.
It’s true, new strains
can either increase or
decrease the
risk of a virus being
contagious. These strains
may also affect the
severity or level of an
infection. So, in the case
of COVID-19, how
exactly do new strains
affect the level of
symptoms? Does it impact
the effectiveness of the
different vaccines that are
available? Let’s take
a closer look at how these
Before we dive in a little
deeper, it’s important
to note that
virus strains exist because
of differences in geographic
What does that mean, you
ask? It means that different
countries or
regions may have the same
primary virus, but new and
different virus
strains may appear in these
places simply because of
reasons Let’s look at
the virus strain that was
detected in the UK for
example. This virus strain,
also known as
B117, was found to increase
the risk of being contagious
by up to
50% compared to the original
COVID-19 virus. Whoa!
The South African strain -
B1351 - on the other hand,
was found to
be 50% more contagious than
the original COVID-19
virus3. Similarly,
the P1 virus strain that was
first detected in Brazil was
found to
be up to 2.2 times more
contagious than the B117
variant. Pretty
intense we would say, but
does a higher risk of being
mean that there are more
severe COVID-19 symptoms?
Meanwhile, B117 (UK) and
B1351 (South Africa) have
not been found to
affect the level of COVID-19
symptoms experienced.
However, more
data is required to
understand the level of
COVID-19 symptoms
experienced by those
infected with the P1
(Brazil) strain.
More recently is the strain
discovered out of India
(B.1.617) which
has caused global record
numbers in daily infections
within the
country over the past weeks.
It’s still too early
to say if
this strain is the cause of
rapid spread in India, but
experts are
treating it as such.
It’s also being called
a “super
mutation” that will
make its way around to the
rest of the
world. Oh no! This strain
has already been detected in
like Germany, Belgium and
even in the U.K.
This is why it’s
important to continue
practicing basic
precautionary measures and
get vaccinated as soon as
Through this, you are doing
your civic duty as a
responsible citizen
to prevent further
widespread of these new
According to the World
Health Organisation (WHO),
there is no reason
to believe that these
COVID-19 virus strains can
cause any vaccine
to be ineffective We can
totally breathe easy now!
This is because
COVID-19 vaccinations give
our bodies some sort of
protection by
working with our immune
system, which is the
body’s natural
defense against viral
infections. Through this,
our bodies’
natural defenses cover a
wide range of COVID-19
infections, even the
new variants.
On a brighter note,
it’s also possible to
make changes to
existing vaccines so that
they offer better protection
different COVID-19 virus
strains. This will be
especially important
if data ever shows that
these new strains cause the
vaccines to be not
effective, however, there is
no such news yet. We
know, what a relief!
Ultimately, it’s important for you to get vaccinated as soon as possible to prevent a COVID-19 infection. And by keeping the spread of the primary virus low, you help to reduce the risk of creating new virus strains in your country or region. Pretty simple, no? At the same time, it’s recommended that you carry on practicing basic measures such as regular handwashing, masking up, and maintaining social distancing in public areas. By doing this, you can help to reduce the contagiousness of the main COVID-19 virus, whilst reducing the risk of COVID-19 virus strains altogether. You’ve got this, people!
1. “The effects of
virus variants on COVID-19
World Health Organization
(01 March 2021).
Accessed from
2. “Pfizer-BioNTech
COVID-19 Vaccine Overview
Centers for
Disease Control and
Prevention (21 May 2021).
Accessed from
3. CJuan C. Salazar, MD,
MPH, FAAP.“What Are
the New COVID-19
Strains, and Do They Infect
Kids More Easily?”.
(01 February 2021).
Accessed from
4. Simon
coronavirus variant: what is
it and
why is it a concern? An
expert explains”. (03
March 2021).
Accessed from
5. “New COVID variant
with 5 mutations identified
California”. Center
for Infectious Disease
Research and Policy
(12 February 2021).
Accessed from
6. David Kennedy.“What
you need to know about the
new COVID-19
variants”. (16 January
Accessed from
7. “SARS-CoV-2 Variant
Classifications and
Center for Infectious
Disease Research and Policy
(25 May 2021).
Accessed from
8. Gayathri Vaidyanathan.
“Coronavirus variants
are spreading
in India — what
scientists know so
far”. (11 May 2021).
Accessed from
A visit to the doctor’s for orthopaedic problems (joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles, and nerves) during a pandemic can be an uneasy experience. But it sure can be rewarding if you’re heading there for a COVID-19 shot. Why, you ask? If you have any type of pre-existing health condition, you may be at higher risk of getting COVID-19 than someone else without them. Simple equation!
Therefore, it's important to consider getting vaccinated immediately if you are eligible. But one question could be on your mind: is it safe to give the COVID-19 vaccine to someone who is going for orthopaedic surgery? Let’s deep dive together to answer this question, shall we?
It's generally safe for you to take the COVID-19 vaccine if you are considered eligible. However, if you are undergoing surgery, you should first consult a doctor before getting vaccinated. Chances are that the doctor will advise you not to take it before surgery.
This is because any side effect from the vaccine may impact the outcome of the surgery. For example, any common side effect such as fever or muscle ache may slow down the rehabilitation or prolong the duration of hospitalisation. On the other hand, patients who have experienced physical trauma (fractures, broken or dislocated bones) due to a car accident, fall or sports injury, may be asked upon arrival at the Emergency department if they already have received the COVID-19 vaccination.
Those who have bone or blood-related diseases (bone cancer, osteoporosis, and leukaemia) that are severe and can cause terminal illness should also seek consultation with a doctor before getting the COVID-19 vaccine. Better to be safe than sorry, people.
Yes, it is safe for someone who has been given pain management medicine such as steroids for joint pain or inflammation to get the COVID-19 vaccine. Also, it’s recommended to consult with the clinician in charge for medical advice.
This piece of good news will make no one happier than the elderly. Why the elderly, you may ask? Well, for one, old age can put a person at a bigger risk of injury or developing orthopaedic conditions3. For example, arthritis, which requires medicine to manage the pain caused by swollen or tender joints. Ouch!
At the same time, old age can also lower immune system function (your body’s natural defences) and increase the risk of infectious diseases like COVID-194. This is why it’s important for the elderly to prioritise getting vaccinated, as it can help to protect them against the harmful effects of COVID-194.
If you’re not sure about taking the COVID-19 vaccine while on steroid treatment, we encourage you to speak to our orthopaedic specialists and come to a decision that works best for you.
Yes. But before you do, we recommend that you speak to any of our doctors. They are best qualified to decide if you are eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine, or if you are at risk of having health problems due to vaccination. The doctor’s decision to not allow you to take the vaccine relies on things like a weakened immune system, a platelet count that is less than 50,000, and a history of experiencing a severe allergic reaction (also known as anaphylaxis) to venom, certain foods or medication.
In parting, just remember, it takes a joint (pun intended) effort by everyone to achieve complete immunity within our communities. This starts with prioritising vaccination and other preventive measures such as regular handwashing, masking up in public places, and maintaining social distancing.
References1. Blouhos, K, et al.
Surgical Risk During
COVID-19 Pandemic: The
Rationale Behind the
Frontiers in Surgery.
Accessed from
2. Chakarvarty, K, et al.
“Recommendations and
Guidance for
Steroid Injection Therapy
and COVID-19 Vaccine
Administration from
the American Society of Pain
and Neuroscience
Dovepress (5 March 2021).
Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention
(21 May
Accessed from
3. Anderson, A. S, MD and
Loeser, F. R, MD. “Why
Osteoarthritis an
Age-Related Disease?”.
US National Library
of Medicine (24 February
Accessed from
4. “Aging changes in
Accessed from
5. “COVID-19
of Health Singapore
Accessed from
6. “Thrombocytopenia
following Pfizer and Moderna
vaccination”. The
National Center for
Accessed from
At the moment, frontrunners in the coronavirus vaccine race include Moderna, Pfizer BioNTech, Sinovac Biotech and Oxford AstraZeneca.
Types of vaccines | mRNA | Viral vector | Inactivated virus |
| mRNA sequence which enters the individual cell to produce the specific virus protein | Contains modified (vector) virus to transport the antigen genetic code. The human cell will produce the targeted protein | A virus that has been killed using high heat, chemical, or radiation |
| Uses the mRNA molecule to stimulate immunity in order to recognize the targeted virus protein | A safe viral vector is used to deliver the genetic material of the targeted virus and stimulating the human immune response | A virus that has been killed and used to stimulate the human immune response |
| None |
Source of information: AKADEMI SAINS MALAYSIA
The vaccines protect against symptomatic forms of COVID-19, but it is still unclear whether they will stop the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the cause of COVID-19. Therefore, you should still continue to take appropriate precautions in protecting yourself and others around you even after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.
Both the Moderna and Pfizer BioNTech’s vaccines use mRNA (messenger RNA) technology and it is interesting to note that the mRNA vaccines have never been approved for use in any disease. It has however received emergency use authorisation from the FDA.
mRNA vaccines work by injecting pieces of the virus’ genetic code into the body to stimulate an immune system reaction which enables the body to defend itself against the coronavirus.
The mRNA in the body breaks down fully within 48 hours. As it doesn’t enter the human nucleus, it does not affect human DNA. Both Moderna and Pfizer’s mRNA vaccines require 2 doses for adequate protection, and the doses are administered between 3 and 4 weeks apart.
Oxford AstraZeneca and Sinovac Biotech’s vaccines employ a modified delivery virus (that usually causes symptoms such as the common cold) to introduce SARS-CoV-2 viral proteins to the immune system, which then mounts a defence against it. The delivery virus is attenuated or modified so the person won’t develop the common cold when administered with this vaccine.
Ministry of Health Malaysia
Academy of Science Malaysia
Last updated on February 2021
For the latest information about COVID-19 Vaccines, please
of Health Malaysia.